Thursday, October 22, 2009

How do I introduce my dog with another dog I want to adopt!!!! 

Everyday we see our dogs and would want a companin for our bestfriend, so we look and look to see the right dog, now remember, your dog maybe dominate, or submissive, get a dog that is an opposite of the energy of your dog, at times breeds that are two females or two males at the same house hold will cause conflict, so please consult a behaviorist to get the right temperment of your dog and what they would suggest......

When choosing a dog you first see what your dog is first ex. Is your dog energetic, dose your dog love to play with other dogs meaning do you take your dog to the dog park or run? How is your dog on walks, and how often do you take your dog on walks....

Once braking down that, then you start to looks for a couple of dogs and research them, call the rescue group and ask questions on the dog!!! Questions to ask temperment, good with other dogs, good on the walks, and sometimes they might have a history on the dog, so that's a good thing to ask, start to narow it down to about 3 dogs and see them, sometimes rescue orgs have events were they will bring there dogs, you can ask if the dog will be there, once seeing the dog spend time with him or her, let the dog get to know you by a good walk with you and the foster... Let them know the type of dog you have and they can determine if the dog is right for you(remember they are fostering the dog, so they will know the dog better then anyone, breed is one thing, but once you add personality it's a different ball game, ex goldens are a great breed but there personality can variery)....
Then go to the next step, ask for a play date to introduce the two dogs, make sure it's in a park, and have them play..... You will know the reaction of the dogs once they meet, (sometimes it takes about 3 play dates before everything between them are good)

Next step, bring them to the naborhood, ask the foster to bring the dog over, meet two houses away, and let then say hi to each other. And then take a nice walk around the naborhood, then bring in the house and let the leashes go, (no toys or food should be out while they are still getting to know each other) have a trial period with the dog, and if everything works out for the week, then make your decision and there you have it

Now remember to follow the rules of pack order, what u do with the one dog you have the other follow, start taking both dogs back to obideance classes, and have them bond that way as well as the walk.... And make sure excersie and a balance is well mantain at all times with both dogs..... 

So with two happy dogs you will know a joy into what two dogs are to your life, keep them consistant......

Hope all this information was helpful and gives you an edge into introduction between your dog and a new friend.... 

Rayner Pacheco

How to choosie my new puppy?  How to choosie the right dog for me? 

Everyday or every minute there is a new dog being born, or a new dog being brought to the shelter!!!! For shelter dogs it's a sad experiance, and most dogs don't leave the shelter, some get put down, please rescue a dog rather then getting a puppy, but it has to fit you, please contact a behavior consultant inorder to know what's right for you!!!!!!!!  

How to choosie your dog when your adopting, or how to choosie the right puppy for you!!!! Everything is all upon how your day is!!! What type of energy you have!!!! If you have kids!!! Or expecting a child!!!!! If you live by yourself, or with someone!! All these are big factors into getting a new dog..... 

When choosing a puppy is a beautiful thing when you get the must cuddly thing, but remember puppies grow up, and everything must be right when having a puppy, everything from puppy training, socializing with other dogs or humans, 
When going to see puppies and are plaining to get one, make sure of two things
1) make sure you study the breed!!! Make sure you research the breeder
2) make sure you take close looks at all the puppies there(the reason will come in a few seconds) 

Now the right puppy always is the one playing with all the dogs and running with so much energy!!!!!! Wrong each puppy has it's own energy, if your a runner and is very active.. You choosie the playful dog, doesn't mean the runt of the litter is the energic, 
If your looking for a calm dog in the future, you pick the one minding it's business, the one looking at all of them playing, that dog will show leadership!!! That dog will be a calm dog in the future!!!!! (the believeing that a dogs energy starts to wear down with age is a lie, a fairytale,!!!! A myth.... Most dogs with age get more and more energy, so make sure your study your breed) 
When training your puppy, you start with puppy classes and make sure you work at home with all your homework,

Adopting the right dog!!!!!! 

I strongly suggest when choosing a dog from the shelter, you get as much history as you can, most or if not all shelters get owner surrenders, or get the dogs that were romming the streets.... Look at the rescue orginization websites, most of the dogs are as well in foster homes, most times dogs in foster home are closely monitored, and know to whom the dogs should go to(meaning what type of home the dog can go to). If your going to a shelter to adopt a dog here are some steps to make sure your choosing the right dog for you and your family
Walk through the whole shelter and take a closer look at all the dogs that are good for adoption!!!!! Not all evaluations are accurate, I do suggest to have a behaviorist join you in assisting the right dog to choosie... 
All dogs are nervious when they are in the shelter, but you go to the cage and just let them sniff you(please don't put your hands inside the cage), at times they will bark cause they are excited, so if you feel that it is the right dog, ask for assistance into taking the dog out to the back and have the dog run around with you to get a good feel for the dog, now all times they will not listen for the first 5-10 mins that's normal, let the dog burn as much as it can before interacting with the dog
Now most dogs are nervious when coming out and crouch to a corner, now something to remember, when a person is a bit scared or nervious, you don't reach to touch them, you talk and let them come to you, same with a dog, the mind set of a dog is I don't know you I don't trust you, dogs don't have a train of thought, they just act unless trained to obey commands... Now best thing you can do for that situation is let the dog come to you, have a good smelly treat with you and have pactients..... Most dogs that are shy in the shelter are wonderful dogs when they get to know you, and trust you. Now once adopting a dog make sure you get to know your new dog, take long walks with your dog, play with your dog.. It takes about 2 weeks for a adopted dog to really get settled in, once two weeks is up time to get to work, start with obidience classes, then move on from there... It's very important for the dog to know your voice, and know what you want...
With a puppy, the minute you start training is when the puppy has all it's shots, and is walking outside, but time for wee-wee pad training is always a must, how you start, once the puppy pees and poo in a curtin place command by saying good pee or good poo, prasie and the reason for this, that way the pup knows it did good and won't be afraid to go outside, or on the pads, as well the pup will know command for it, so it's a start to develope the mind.... 

Excersie is very important or everydog, just cause you have a back yard doesn't mean that's it's excersie, no no that's being lazy, get a leash and walk your dog, giving it a challage everyday and walking for 45 mins is a good start to the morning for every dog, 3-4 times a day a dog should be walked, 
For more please contact a professional trainer or behaviorist

Rayner pacheco

It's me, not the dog(REALLY IT'S ME)

The tittle sez it all

Everyday, every corner people blame the dog for it's behavior, not really realizing it's them, in a percentage 95% of the reason the dog is lunging at dogs or humans, have aggressive behavior, or fearfull behavior.... 
Things to do if you see you have problems with your dog(s) well the first step is addmitting you have a problem, and getting help.... 

Now, here are tips for your everyday problem, when walking with a dog, make sure your calm and your dog is listening, start by first walking out the door, then making sure your holding your dog the right way,(left hand is not always the right way, make sure you use your dominate hand to have better control... Ex if your a right handed person, you have the dog and the leash on the right side, all dog training books are wrong when they say always walk your dog on the left hand side) 
Now make sure your dog sits on every corner, this will teach the dog pactients and have better control for problems when walking, this will also keep his obidence training fresh.... 

Now when passing a dog, and your dog has a problem passing one, or lungs, or pulls to say hi!!!!!! This is what you do(please contact a professional, and make sure you have the right method) most times you can sit your dog go in front and have the dog look at you,(you can use a treat with this excersie) the other way is you keep walking and use the words "leave it"

Make sure your arm is loose and not tense, how can your arm be tense, well you arm is at a 90* degree angle, as well if you use two hands to hand the leash both arms have to be calm.....

Every breed is different, even the mix breeds, when there puppy owners really don't take time into training the puppy correctly, or ignore the signs and think it's funny to see that!!!! Or not address the problem.... This will create problems, 
Even when you adopt a dog, remember your inhareting a problem, nothing that a little TLC can't handle or work,

Till next time, stay calm and loose, and enjoy your walk with your dog(s) 

Rayner Pacheco

Friday, October 2, 2009

MYFOXNY.COM - Dog behavior specialist Rayner Pacheco suggests the following tips for anyone welcoming a baby into a home with a dog.
Bringing a baby home from the hospital is an exciting event for both parents and animals living in the house. A new baby will change the hierarchy in the household, which is likely to be confusing for your the dog. Begin taking steps long before the baby arrives to prepare your pooch for the new family member. Following the guidelines will help keep your child safe and prevent problems.
Items you'll need for training:
1) A fake baby (make sure it makes baby sounds)
2) baby gate(s)
3) supplies for the baby
4) treats to reward the dog for good behavior....
A few training tips:
1) Use the fake baby and carry it in your arms as you practice walking around the house. Do not allow the dog to follow you or jump on you. Reprimand him if he does and say "down." When the dog doesn't follow you, praise him and give him a treat. This exercise helps teach the dog manners.
2) Put baby gate(s) up on the door(s) of the room as you prepare the nursery. Do not allow the dog in the room.
3) Establish a set routine for the dog, when baby arrives nothing changes.
4) Don't allow the dog sleep in the same room as you or the baby.
5) Make sure during down times when the baby is asleep you have play time or give attention to the dog.
6.) If your dog is good with other dogs, find a day care center and have your dog go to it, sometimes stress can build with the dog when the baby cries. It's good when the dog is out the house enjoying playing with other dogs....(Remember when your dog comes back home refresh training in basic commands, you don't want it to pick up unwanted behavior from other dogs.)
7.) Your dog should never be in front of you (walking or sitting)because this will create leadership confusion. When walking your dog he should always be on your side, not pulling in front.
8.) Bring home an article of clothing from the hospital that holds the scent of the mother and the baby. Let the dog sniff it.
9.) Never allow the dog to sniff your baby, until you feel ready.
10.) When in the same room as your dog and baby always have
another person with you, this way you're not alone and you're able to focus on the baby.
11.) Never leave the baby alone with the dog.
12.)Once the baby's room is done walk in with your dog. Let him sniff around but do not let him jump on the crib or play with the baby's toys.

Rayner Pacheco
Dog behavioral specialist