Thursday, October 22, 2009

How do I introduce my dog with another dog I want to adopt!!!! 

Everyday we see our dogs and would want a companin for our bestfriend, so we look and look to see the right dog, now remember, your dog maybe dominate, or submissive, get a dog that is an opposite of the energy of your dog, at times breeds that are two females or two males at the same house hold will cause conflict, so please consult a behaviorist to get the right temperment of your dog and what they would suggest......

When choosing a dog you first see what your dog is first ex. Is your dog energetic, dose your dog love to play with other dogs meaning do you take your dog to the dog park or run? How is your dog on walks, and how often do you take your dog on walks....

Once braking down that, then you start to looks for a couple of dogs and research them, call the rescue group and ask questions on the dog!!! Questions to ask temperment, good with other dogs, good on the walks, and sometimes they might have a history on the dog, so that's a good thing to ask, start to narow it down to about 3 dogs and see them, sometimes rescue orgs have events were they will bring there dogs, you can ask if the dog will be there, once seeing the dog spend time with him or her, let the dog get to know you by a good walk with you and the foster... Let them know the type of dog you have and they can determine if the dog is right for you(remember they are fostering the dog, so they will know the dog better then anyone, breed is one thing, but once you add personality it's a different ball game, ex goldens are a great breed but there personality can variery)....
Then go to the next step, ask for a play date to introduce the two dogs, make sure it's in a park, and have them play..... You will know the reaction of the dogs once they meet, (sometimes it takes about 3 play dates before everything between them are good)

Next step, bring them to the naborhood, ask the foster to bring the dog over, meet two houses away, and let then say hi to each other. And then take a nice walk around the naborhood, then bring in the house and let the leashes go, (no toys or food should be out while they are still getting to know each other) have a trial period with the dog, and if everything works out for the week, then make your decision and there you have it

Now remember to follow the rules of pack order, what u do with the one dog you have the other follow, start taking both dogs back to obideance classes, and have them bond that way as well as the walk.... And make sure excersie and a balance is well mantain at all times with both dogs..... 

So with two happy dogs you will know a joy into what two dogs are to your life, keep them consistant......

Hope all this information was helpful and gives you an edge into introduction between your dog and a new friend.... 

Rayner Pacheco

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